Whole Health Forum
"Forum Five" Online
May 17-20, 2020
2021: The Whole Health Forum Has Gone Online!
An Ecological Health Retreat in English
Workshops on natural healing and holistic life styles.
The following features will return next year, May 9-14, 2021!
Close to Jerusalem at the Essene Farm, a peaceful getaway in Even Sapir, Jerusalem District, Israel.
A natural kitchen headed by a professional whole foods chef
Kosher certification on-site, vegan, gluten-free
Optional accommodations in shared hay bale cabins.
Enjoy a restorative experience of study, relaxation and community.
for more information at 052-706-5002
or email us.

Previous Whole Health Forums
Our event in 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019
Israel’s premier complementary and alternative health event for five days in May at the Essene Farm in Even Sapir, near Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem.
Our Classes
Choose daily from top caliber holistic teachers in a vibrant gathering of like-minded friends. All workshops are interactive and experiential. Classes include early morning body work and fitness sessions, cooking instructions, explorations in holistic health and alternative medicine, and engaging evening presentations.
Our Food
Enjoy kosher, macrobiotic, gluten-free meals cooked on the premises by trained, experienced macrobiotic chefs.
Our Executive Chef is Patrick Grosset a Natural Health Specialist & Culinary Medicine Instructor for UC San Diego, California. A professional French Chef and certified Macrobiotic Teacher with a rich history in teaching, lifestyle coaching, and private/commercial chef services.
Patrick and his wife Jeanne created one the first vegan food companies in Los Angeles in 2006. He has worked extensively in food production and health compliance for kosher and organic whole foods kitchens around the world. He specializes in gluten free alternatives and has written thousands of original recipes based on the self healing principles of Macrobiotics for better health and longevity.
Patrick’s culinary knowledge will be shared with all those who join our volunteer work/study program in the Forum kitchen this spring. Join us for a hands-on teaching kitchen experience!

Kosher supervision by Aryeh Rothman
Aryeh Rothman served as kosher supervisor with COR, the Council of Orthodox Rabbis (equivalent to the Orthodox Union in the US) in Toronto, Canada for four years at the Baycrest Hospital. His team supervised 3 meals every day in 22 unit kitchens, two cafeterias and the large main kitchen serving the entire hospital. He also served as mashgiach at weddings, bnei mizvot private functions and at restaurants. Aryeh made aliyah in 2011 to Safed. Hs is married with four children and four grandchildren.
FORUM services
Classes, services and consultations in the following areas:
Life Coaching & Journying
Psychotherapy & Torah
Macrobiotic Cooking
Kabbalistic Healing
Nutritional Consultations
TRE: Tension Release Exercises
Body Work
Energy Healing
Essential Oils
Healing Sounds
Live Food
Balancing a Vegan Diet
Choose to sleep in a six-person hay bale cottage, on segregated floor mattresses indoors, in a large outdoor marquee, or in your own tent. Showers and washrooms are available for all. Wifi is available without charge.
Daily vendors will be selling their products.
Personal consultations and treatments by appointment
Whole Health Forum 2017

CLICK BELOW TO CHECK out our video from the first year:

“I have attended these type of things before but never ever has the energy and goodwill been so loving.
Pashut me’od! It possessed a NESHAMAH of its own which no other place in the world that I have been a part of possessed. Caring Jewish people together creating a community of Love for one another in a healing environment. I am so heart warmed and moved by everyone’s generosity of giving and loving, both teachers and participants alike. This is such a great Forum for teaching macrobiotics. Baby steps. Everyone I spoke to–and I spoke to many, being the official “Gopher Girl Friday”–was interested in Macrobiotics.”
“It was an amazing event!
The organization went smoothly and everything was easy going with a great atmosphere, wonderful people and excellent food!
Can’t wait to be part of this brilliant venue next time!
Thank you Ginat and Sheldon.”
“As presenter and practitioner at the Whole Health Forum, I found my experience magnetic. I live in Jerusalem and had only planned to attend part of the time. But life had other plans. I kept getting drawn back to the Forum to be with the people and to gain more wisdom about life and our bodies. Also—the food was inspiring! ”
Whole Health Forum Reviews & Articles
Israel’s First Whole Health Forum Attracts Hundreds
Israel’s First-Ever Whole Health Forum
(Click on the open document to zoom in.)
For questions, suggestions, and to register,
Contact Sheldon and Ginat Rice by phone:
Home Office: 04-870-1078
Ginat's Cell Phone: 052-365-0004
Sheldon's Cell Phone: 052-706-5002
Email: shelgin@gmail.com
“Dear Ginat and Sheldon,
I want to thank you both for such a wonderful day at the Forum. I came for the whole day, and it was worth every penny that I spent on coming !
The programme for that day was full of subjects which interested me, and I was very happy and satisfied with my choices during the day.
The teachers/lecturers/demonstrators were all charming, very helpful, encouraging and informed.
The Chef, Patrick, was very helpful with his short talks at each meal. The food was excellent and plentiful.
The atmosphere was so friendly, informal, and welcoming.
I met many interesting people during the day and the evening.
And the Essene Farm, in its lovely setting, with such beautiful views, and such peace and quiet, gave me a really special day outside my normal life, which was interesting, restful and restoring !
Thank you both so very much for giving me such a special experience.”